Funbike greet anniversary of East Java to-67 year

Sunday morning in this photo taken in October 2012 in the city of Surabaya exactly in the Heroes Monument is where the start and finish commencement funbike or cycling to celebrate the birthday of East Java 67th year. This photo was taken by my husband because if you use a tripod where highly unlikely because of the many participants spilling into several highways.

With Held cycling or Funbike many people who want to participate in the anniversary enliven East Java province to the 67th this year. Participants ranging from children to adults from across the province of East Java to the outer islands. Various models of bikes ranging from old-fashioned model of bike to bike model output for even bike hand made models.

Me and my husband did not want to miss this moment because in addition to want to know also the atmosphere in the city of Surabaya. Type of bike that I use Tandom models (double scull). Starting the night I was preparing the equipment needed is not another camera.

At 4:00 am in the morning I and my husband had already left because the distance between the home and destination about 15 km for the prescribed schedule beginning at 6:00 am start time. To place a lot of goals are more or less involved thousands of participants with an assortment of gifts, as well as stage entertainment with local artists singers.

The route taken by approximately 20-25 km around the city just around Surabaya alone.

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